24 Creative Ways to Bring More Attention to Your Business

Erin Keck, Executive Director

Do you feel like your business isn’t top of mind in your community? We have a LOT more here in the San Luis Valley than people realize, which results in a lot of lost dollars that could have been spent locally. But.. people won’t buy from you if they don’t think of you. While the easiest way to increase sales is to upsell existing/current customers, the second-best way is increased exposure. These days—to stand out—you need to get creative. Here are a few ideas to help get your business the attention it deserves without breaking your budget.

1.      The obvious of course- join your Chamber if you haven’t already! This is one of the best ways to get an incredible bang for your buck. To see all the ways your membership works for you, visit AlamosaChamber.com/membership-guide.

2.      Host a contest on social media. (They don’t have to be massive or have huge prizes)

3.      Be a guest on a Podcast- there are several local options in the SLV. You’re more interesting than you think, hop on one and tell your story!

4.      Set up (AND USE) your Google My Business Page. The biggest thing here is to POST REGULARLY and KEEP YOUR INFO UP TO DATE. People can’t find you if your information is wrong. A funny thing to remember here with posting on GMB, is that while many people may not see your posts, being active tells google that you are worth them sharing your information. The more you post, the more people google will show your information to.

5.      Sponsor a chamber event donate small items/certificates for giveaways. These boosts in visibility will help remind people you are here!

6.      Sponsor a youth sports team.

7.      Advertise at your local movie theatre. (Need help with video? We can recommend you to a Chamber member who can help!)

8.      Speaking of, get into video! People want to see your face, but even if you aren’t ready to hop in front of the camera, motion is where it’s at! Use video for ads, reels, tik toks, and live FB/IG Stories. (Stories are a great way to practice! It’s only there for 24 hours 😉)

9.      Write a guest blog post on the Chamber Website! All Chamber members can post to our blog at any time, just email us at AlamosaCountyChamber@gmail.ocm

10.   Utilize window clings, stickers, advertising wraps, etc. This is just another way to remind people you are here, the more they see your business name, the better! Put them on your car, give them away, etc. (We can refer you to chamber members who can create these for you!)

11.   Ask for referrals from your existing customers. We are a close community, and people want to hear from their friend and family. As those who already love your business to spread the word!

12.   Purchase a chamber banner ad, website ad, or newsletter sponsorship. These are always available and are a great way to put your business front and center! We have a variety of options for every budget, and can even build custom packages to get you exactly what you need.

13.   Work TOGETHER! Trade website space or shelf space with other businesses. Is there another local business that’s a natural partner for your business? Work out a trade! Advertise for each other or even display each other’s products. Consider creating shared coupons (“You just bought this, now you need this! Here’s coupon to get it local!”)

14.   Post to your local Facebook groups. We have many active facebook groups, share your specials, events, and more!

15.   Host a live Q&A on your business! Hoping on live stories is a great way to do this. Bonus- when you go live FB/IG will typically send out a notification to your followers!

16.   Advertise with your local newspaper/radio/etc. Everyone has their favorite way to stay up to date. Try out different methods to reach you target audience!

17.   Celebrate national days with (even small) giveaways! Look up the national day lists (There’s A LOT), and mark your calendar with the ones that apply to your business. This will help you remember to celebrate!

18.   Attend and/or speak at a local networking event. Request to speak at a Chamber Luncheon, or simply attend! Just being there in person will remind people about your business, and all attendees get a minute or two to introduce themselves and talk about their business if they like.

19.   Bring brochures to Chamber events or to display at the Chamber. (even flyers, don’t overthink it!)

20.   Use targeted ads on social media (know your target audience and utilize the ads manager to get your business in front of them)

21.   Host a Business After Hours, Open House, Lady’s Night, Product Launch, etc. Partner with the Chamber to reach new customers.

22.   Create a VIP List that comes with special benefits! These could be offered to your regular customers, and can be free or for a minimal fee. (Think free local delivery, monthly discounts, punch cards, multi-purchase discounts, etc.)

23.   As for reviews on Facebook and Google My Business. Share those reviews!

24.   Create cool swag to give away to your customers, employees, and more!

There are many ways to increase visibility for your business for all sorts of budgets. Don’t be afraid to try new things. Test out these ideas (and some of your own!) and see what works best for your business.


Contact us at 719-589-3681 or email AlamosaCountyChamber@gmail.com.