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5 Laws of Selling and promoting On Social Media

Erin Keck, Executive Director

How you FEEL about sales and your product will show up in your messaging. It's just a matter of fact. If you have limiting beliefs about yourself and whether you're "good at sales" or if you're struggling with self-doubt about your confidence level, it's going to show up when you're talking to people about what you have to offer.

People want to feel a connection to your brand. We should be selling both ourselves and our products/services on social media all the time. If you're not, then what's the point of trying to use social media to grow your business?

Here are the 5 Laws of Selling on Social you need to know:


You are the main unique identifier of your business, so embrace it and be yourself. Don’t overthink it- people want authenticity so just be you have fun! People can see right through you as soon as you try to be someone you're not, or try to appear too perfect- so leave that nonsense at the door. Show up on stories and talk to your camera just like you would a friend, use your own words when writing captions in your feed posts, hop on reels and dance/be weird/make a joke/etc. Just make it YOU!


People only buy what will help them and feel a connection to. So making sure they know WHY or HOW what you're offering will help them is the key to selling them from the get go. No one cares about WHAT the product is, they care about what it will DO for them. Go read that again: If you fail to convince them of how your product will provide a solution for their lives, you fail to sell or create an interest in what you have to offer.


The trust factor seals the deal with anything. If your customers trust you with one thing, they'll most likely trust you with another. They'll start to turn to YOU to help them answer other problems - that's influence, and you desperately need it. Beautiful graphics alone won't sell your products if no one trusts you and your suggestions in the first place.


Value comes with a price tag. If you want someone to spend their hard-earned money on your product or service then be sure you're giving them a high level of value and customer care first in order for them to offer it up. You can easily show this in your stories by walking your network through how the process of working with you goes. Talking about what you provide, posting reviews from your customers, etc. Show the world how much you're giving and hope important their support is to you!


Give more than you receive and you'll always receive more than you need. If you provide enough value for someone, it's only natural for them to trust you and give you a sale in return or refer their own friends and family to you for help as well.

Ultimately: Be you, make it fun, don't overthink it, offer solutions, and provide value!


Contact us at 719-589-3681 or email AlamosaCountyChamber@gmail.com.